A broad, multidisciplinary and active community dedicated to healthcare innovation.

The H4 community They support us

The future of healthcare is collaborative



The H4 community

The H4 community brings together a large network of innovators, partners, and sponsors from various backgrounds: academic, healthcare, industrial and political.

All members share a desire to collaborate and help propel H4 to innovate and improve the healthcare field and meet the expectations of caregivers and the needs of patients.

Being part of the community is an opportunity to:

  • Meet other actors interested in healthcare innovation
  • Develop your network to challenge your ideas and develop new projects
  • Engage in discussions to find innovative solutions together
  • Learn about growing trends and technologies
  • Take part in projects and business shaping the future of healthcare
  • Strengthen your position in the healthcare innovation ecosystem


Want to join the H4 community?
To find out all the advantages of joining the H4 community and the conditions of membership, please write to us. A member of the team will contact you and provide you with all the necessary information:

They support us


Historical partners


Members of the Support Committee

Philippe Anhorn, Director, Réseau Santé Région Lausanne
Clotilde Aubertin Jordan, Director of innovation partnerships, GSK Consumer Healthcare
Mattia Benini, Director, La Lignière
Patrick Botteron, Director of Private Banking Competences Centre, BCV
Frédéric Briguet, Marketing executive, Former Head of Marketing, CoorNetWork
Aurore Bui, Facilitator in social innovation, Softweb
François Capel, Innovation Counselor, Innovaud
Jean-Luc Danckaert, Deputy of the care division – Clinical Expert, GHOL
Valérie Delplanque, Midwife, Head of department, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hôpital Riviera Chablais
Joy Demeulemeester, Consultant, Independant
Camille Despland, Development, innovation and research Manager, AVASAD
Hervé Dumas, Devices and Profession Care Management, UCB
Maurice Gaillard, Student Entrepreneurship Program Leader, EPFL Startup Launchpad
Susana Garcia, Home care and healthcare system expert, Independant
Léane Grosch, Consultant in innovation and product design
Rafal Hys, Delegate for economic promotion Association des communes de Crans-Montana
Caroline Kokocinski, Strategic Partnerships and Development Manager, HUB Entrepreneuriat et Innovation UNIL
Isabelle Kunze, Head of Corporate Health Services, Corporate Health Services
Nicolas Loeillot, Innovation Catalyst, CSS
Delphine Maistre du Chambon, CEO, Bugnion SA
Saïd Mamouh, Sport teacher, La Lignière
Quitterie Marque, VP APAC, Koa Health
Jehanne Nebel, Head nurse coordinator of the care unit, La Clinique de La Source
Françoise Ninane, Care Deputy Director, CHUV
Diane Neuhut, Innovation project Manager, Hôpital de La Tour
Pakize Palan, Director, Les Soins Volants
Marc-André Pellerin, Associate Professor, HETSL
Morena Pozner, Director, Résidence les Bouleaux
Hugo Rebelo, Fondation Belle Saison
Florian Rossiaud-Fischer, Innovation Director, Hôpital de La Tour
Valérie Santschi, PhD, HES Professor, Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source
Patrick Schoettker, Head of unit, anesthesiology departement, CHUV
Christophe Serrafino, Consultant, Set for Success
Laurent Soldini, Industrial and products designer, ECAL + Master HES-SO Innokick
Caroline Trautz, Intersites pratices manager, Care Division, Ensemble Hospitalier de la Côte
Ksenia Tugay, Senior Project Manager VBHC, Groupe Mutuel
Nathalie Wellens, HES Professor, Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source
Pierre-Jean Wipff, Innovation and Partnerships Director, Biopôle SA
Maryam Yepes Ph.D., Founder of Myravan Solutions, nutriMenu.ch


« H4 meets all the conditions to become a key player in the development of new products designed to improve healthcare. »

Université de Lausanne



« Your project has caught our attention and interest and Nestlé Health Science supports this initiative. »

Nestlé Health Science