
A service for pharmaceutical companies to speed up the time to market of drugs during clinical trials.


Publication date
Problem to solve

Drug client trials: - Competition is fierce: time-to-market is crucial and trials cannot afford to be delayed for FDA / EMEA - Trial success is mandatory based on the number of patients and the regulation rules - Non-adherence from onboarded patients is a huge pain for clinical trials: 40% to 70% of patients quit

Proposed solution

Clinical Trials should not depend so much on the non-adherence rate of patients - We want to optimize the cost of “patient management” by ensuring patient follows the clinical protocol related to drug disposal - We want to provide real-time data and patient behavior regarding drug compliance We propose : a home device (Owned-IP) that delivers drugs to the patient, a mobile app (coaching) to remind, follow and assist patients, a digital health platform (ecosystem) to access non-personalized data

Request to H4

We need support as much as possible for the following milestones: 1) Start a pilot for a clinical drug trial with the MVP product 2) Finding investors for a seed funding of 1.8mio